- Moved to Fresno, California
- Discovered my husband was dating
- was sexually harassed and subsequently fired
- got a divorce
- received joint custody of my only child
- earned elite status on an airline
- spent 2 days in a mental ward
- moved to Mississippi
- worked for a suck-ass not for profit
- had all of my worldly belongings stolen during the move from California
- lost luggage on flights that has never been recovered
- had job offers in Oklahoma and Buffalo
- worked at a horse race track
- moved to Baton Rouge
- testified as a federal witness against my boss who fired me
- read that he was arrested
- became the primary caretaker for my physically and mentally ill father
- fell in love with an amazing wonderful man
- got a weimaraner
- eulogized and buried my 26 year old brother
- decided I don't want to be an LSU fan any longer
- gained, lost and gained again around my waist
- moved to Jackson so my wonderful man could attend law school
- got a Mexican chihuahua
Gentle reader at least at sometime I hope someone will read me again. Fasten your shoulder straps and put on your hazmat suit because it will be one crazy toxic ride.
The Jingled Belle is finding peace in Jackson.
Glad you're here. xoxox